Once, ten thousand years past, the Eldar were among the most powerful and dominant race of the galaxy, dominating a significant portion of the galaxy and secure in their prosperity. Even in such straits, however, they are still a powerful force in the galaxy. The existing Eldar are essentially a refugee population, the scattered remains of their former strength and power.

This process is ill-understood, but Eldar autopsies are suggestive of it. Eldar are mentally far superior to humans, and feel all emotions much more strongly, requiring the Eldar to exercise constant restraint to avoid mental break down.Įldar seem to reproduce in stages, with new genetic material being added by the father to the developing embryo over an extended period. The Farseers of the Eldar can live for several thousand years.

The Eldar that actively cultivate their psychic potential seem to exhibit a much-extended lifespan as well, one proportional to their prowess. As a race they have a high level of psychic ability, which serves as the foundation of their technology. To them humans seem to move in slow motion with a certain degree of awkwardness, while to humans the Eldar can move with distracting grace and can be blindingly fast in combat. These traits manifest in their vastly heightened reactions and agility compared to humans. Eldar also have much faster metabolic rates than humans, and their cardiac and neurological systems are more advanced. They are long-lived by human standards, and most will live more than a thousand years unless they die from accident or disease. If any Eldar ship, even a large one, is at close range to enemy ships and staying still so their Holofields are off, they will get destroyed in SECONDS.Įldar are considered by some to be the most difficult faction, and are definitely not recommended for new players.Superficially, the Eldar appear very similar to humans, though they are generally taller, and slimmer, with sharp features and pointed ears. Never ram ANYTHING with an Eldar ship, and know that absolutely everything else can ram you even the somewhat fragile Chaos ships can quite safely ram Eldar ones. On top of this, their armor is a mere 25 on all sides, the lowest of any faction and within the same ship-class, Eldar ships have the lowest hull points of any faction, and they even get a 50% reduction to the amount of ramming damage they inflict. However, they have no effect whatsoever at blocking Lightning Strikes like shields do so every Eldar ship is permanently vulnerable to them.

The holofields effectively work as a dodge mechanic the stronger their charge (from moving at high speed) the more they reduce the accuracy of enemy weapons (including a flat block chance against Lances). Make good use of the "Focusing Target" order (not to be mistaken with the "Lock On!" special order) and micromanaging to place powerful hit and run attacks that get the maximum out of their holofields. They also have the highest forward speeds and turn rates of any faction. Their holofields make them more resilient the faster they go, so be sure to keep moving at all times, and their "All Ahead Full" variant is a quick forward dash-like move that does NOT Identify them to the enemy forces, so use it quite liberally. The Eldar space fleet is a force of highly advanced craft which are lighter and faster than the other ships of their kind but also a lot more delicate, partly relying on solar sails for propulsion and using their speed to avoid fire rather than heavy armour to absorb it.Įldar align fragile but powerful vessels, with an emphasis on prow weaponry and speed.